2. http://www.ramblingtraveler.com/
3. http://chewy-myblog.blogspot.com/
4. http://dancewithsun.blogspot.com/
5. http://steph-lealman.blogspot.com/
6. http://www.bartraeke.com/
7. http://colorado-bob.blogspot.com/
8. http://web.mac.com/allancook/
9. http://www.dearcinema.com/
10. http://travellinmama.blogspot.com/
And an honourable mention goes to http://circlesinthesandbysamadhiwhitehouse.blogspot.com/
Nominate a blog for next week's awards:
It's simple. If you would like your blog (or someone else's) to be considered for next week's awards, please leave the url on this post, in the form of a comment. You can nominate as many blogs as you want. Entries close at midday Greenwich Mean Time each Friday. If you don't have a blog of your own, you can nominate someone else's blog.
The concept:
Aussiejourno's Weekly Blog Awards are meant to encourage bloggers from all round the world. More importantly, the awards give new bloggers the chance to get their blogs noticed in an increasingly popular forum, alongside the world's most-visited blogs. There is no monetary reward, no live TV coverage, no red carpet interview, but the exposure comes with international bragging rights.
The focus:
I will judge the best blogs - irrespective of whether the blogs have been in existence for only a week or for five years. Newbies will be considered along with well-established blogs. Everyone - and this is of paramount importance - starts on the same footing.
The reason:
I've been mentoring some bloggers for a while and would like to give them another reason to keep blogging. Not every blogger gets ranked by the big services - and this concept will give them special incentive. It is important to know that the work of a blogger whose url has only 10 hits can be ranked alongisde a blogger whose url has 10,000 hits.
The judge:
It's important that you know my background if you're going to submit blog/ blogs to be judged by me. I am a career journalist with almost 30 years' experience in writing, editing, design, newspaper technology and production.
In my early twenties, I edited the national sports magazine `Sportsworld' for the ABP media group, and I also had a stint in 2001 editing the Melbourne daily newspaper `Melbourne Express', a Fairfax publication. I served as managing editor (production) of `The Age' in Melbourne, one of the world's best broadsheets.
In 2002 I was shortlisted for a Walkley Award, the Australian equivalent of a Pulitzer. In 2005 I was shortlisted for a national News Award.
My photographs are published in three countries and my first novel, `Vegemite Vindaloo', was published by Penguin Books India in April 2006 and made the bestseller lists, ranked ahead of Frederick Forsyth and Jeffrey Archer. The novel also made it to No.1 on a list compiled by the Oxford Bookstore.
Wow, this was a surprise! Thank you, David, for the mention and the link. Take care, Stacy
Wow, I'm honoured that you took the time to visit my blog and leave feedback and advice.
I have bookmarked your blog and look forward to spending time reading your posts.
I would like to nominate my blog http://www.tryingtomakemoneyonline.com for the "Weekly Blog Awards".
You're the first nomination for next week, D League.
Watch this space.
Hi Stacy,
You're welcome. Enjoy your blogging.
Hi Christopher H,
Having mentored a wonderful group of sportswriters some years ago, I want to keep helping other writers - which is why I'm trying to encourage bloggers now.
Thanks for bookmarking my blog.
Thanks, David for mentioning blog (http://aquarius2626.blogspot.com), I'm not sure how I got on the list but thank you so much!
Dear Lissa,
You're welcome. You deserve it. Good luck with your blogging - maybe you can mention that you are ranked No.1 on the Aussiejourno list.
I do enjoy your blog - and I'm sure many others do, too.
That's entirely the aim of the Aussiejourno Weekly Blog Awards; to showcase other people's work.
Good luck and keep blogging.
"david mcmahon said...
You're the first nomination for next week, D League.
Watch this space.
Thank you David
Yeehaw. I likes me some more exposure. :D
So I'll just nominate myself a lot.
if anyone is interested in designer manbags and accessories (lol)
I'd like to nominate my blog please, www.thescandal.ie; the more the merrier is the way I see it.
Thanks for positive comments and reviewing my blog. I'm getting better at it everyday, and since writing is my passion, it is displayed in such a nice way.
would like to nominate my blog
Hi Bart, Nikhil, cc:inap!, Louise and Debbie,
Got those nominations. Thank you and goot luck. I'm thinking seriously about expanding the list to a Top 20 instead of a Top 10.
Good luck and keep blogging.
Hi Debbie,
You're most welcome. Yes, I can see from your blog that writing is your passion.
I want to nominate myself. Good luck to everyone!
Take a look at my photoblog from around the world and see if it fits in with your best blogs:
thanks and I like your blog, very interesting, diverse, colorful
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be stopping by here from now on, I can appreciate your sports journalism background since I do some of it myself, covering a minor league baseball team here in the States. Hoping do branch out more in the future.
Thanks again!
I think it is nice that you spend time helping fledgling writers like us on our blogs.
I would like to nominate mine only for the purpose of getting some constructive feedback from you.
Any suggestions are comments will be more than appreciated.
For my blog click here:Auto Parts for Brains
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Hi copper stiletto and txdave,
Got your nominations. Thanks and good luck.
Happy blogging and let me kno if there's anything I can do to help with your writing or blogging.
David aka aussiejourno
Hi fjdelgado,
Uncanny, isn't it, that we have the same background in sports journalism.
Here's a confession - I played pretty much all sports but I had no talent at basketball. Seriously.
Will visit your site as often as I can - just trying to wrap up a novel, then I'll have some spare time!
Hi ipodwheels,
Just left a long comment at your site - but I lost the lot because I forgot to include my details.
Will be back and will repea the comment, but in essence - you have got it so right.
Post a link here for the specific purpose of entry/nomination for Aussiejourno's Weekly Blog Awards.
Cheers and let me know if you have any specific queries.
Will re-visit your blog and repeat the comment!!
David aka aussiejourno
thank you to have a look on my blog:
excuse my basic english;do you read french?
Dear Luce,
Thank you so much for getting in touch. I tried posting a comment on your blog but could not. Maybe because I can't read Italian or French.
I even Googled your email address, but the email I sent you bounced back.
I really enjoyed your blog.
I think your site design is great. The typography is large and easy to read, especially for older readers. The asymmetrical design and layout is wonderful. It is very ``different'' and that is its greatest charm.
You are obviously a talented artist.
My only advice is not to use the red typeface on the strong grey background of your template. The grey is terrific, and the other colours you use on the typeface work really well. The red is the only one that is not very clear to read.
Lovely design, great presentation. You are a talented artist and your blog looks great.
Thank you for posting a link to my site :)
I hope it's not to late to nominate myself to appear again in this week's awards. (And what an honour to be in the first set -- I have one of Australasia's best-selling authors telling people to read my blog!)
I have updated mine this week, and have started a new feature: Movie Talk. Thies week stop by and let me know what you thought of "Million Dollar Baby".
Hi David, finally decided to take the plunge and get a blog out there. Only a few entries thus far, but if you'd care to take a look.
Thanks, Richard
What can I say? Thank you very much. I have not met a person who knows how to build up confidence and encourage people than you have been and I will post more, I promise! Just let me get back to Canada, and you will all read about my adventures in Ashgabad!
I want to nominate:
Okay, okay... maybe I AM "annonymous"... is that so wrong?
I don't want to be annonymous--I want to be seen--or at least heard!
Happy to nominate myself mate- drum roll building in the background - http://www.blogguelph.com.
Cool photos by great Guelpites.
http://tytka.blogspot.com/ There are many pictures and videos,
everyday I watch many kind of that things and I choose only the best
of it and I put them to my blog.
Here is my blog I would like you to consider for the nomination: http://megabluewave.com/blog
Here's my blog. Not everyone gets it. A few faithful followers, but that's OK. It's great therapy. And the bear enjoys it.
Richard posted:
"Hi David, finally decided to take the plunge and get a blog out there. ...Thanks, Richard
savingmypennies.blogspot.com "
PHEW! At first I didn't see that as "pennies".
Thanks for the honest comment. :) I really appreciate them. It's funny but I suddenly got this glitch in my blog that cut all my posts up to the read more tag. Still fixing it. I will post again when I'm done so I can make it to the week's nomination.
Hope to hear from you again.
This is for Luce Caggini, with thanks to Maria in Lisbon who kindly translated for me (and Terry, who emailed me the translation) ......
Ma chère Luce,
Ça m´a fait très plaisir ton blog.
Je vais essayer, plus tard, de me trouver un ami qui puisse traduire je que je te dis ici, mais je trouve le design de ton site absolument fantastique. Les caractères son grands et faciles à lire, en particulier quand il s´agit des lecteurs plus âgés. Le dessin asymétrique et le layout sont merveilleux. Il est très "différent", et ça devient son plus grand charme.
Tu es sans aucun doute une artiste avec beaucoup de talent.
Le seul conseil c´est de ne pas utiliser le rouge sur le fond gris foncé de ton template. Le gris est formidable et les autres couleurs vont très bien, mais le rouge devient difficile à lire.
J´ai essayé de te laisser un commentaire, mais je n´ai pas réussi. J´essayerai plus tard.
Délicieux design, présentation magnifique. Tu as du talent et ton blog est super.
Merci pour le lien à mon site
Hi David,
I'm new to blogging, but I hope you'll like my blog enough to include it in your list sometime.
Just for fun, for a moment TRY ON THESE ugly shoes! Read on:
Thx for your time!
Hi Allan, Richard, Samadhi, Sue, Acwo, Marek, BT Bear
Got all those nominations.
Thank you for taking the trouble to register.
Dear Cecilia,
Let's just call it a ``knowledge-sharing process.'' Simple.
Looking forward to your updates.
Have a safe trip.
Hi ipodwheels,
Don't worry about the glitch. Looking forward to more updates on your blog.
Stay in touch
Hi Lisay and wrongfully accused,
Thanks for those nominations and thanks for dropping by.
Hey Dave,
Glitch fixed. I'd write about it soon. It is a horror story, man. Anyway here's the link to my blog. I hope it gets to winning standards soon.
Cheers and more power.
Auto Parts for Brains goes Minimalist
This is an open dialog blog site
Please take a look and let me know what you thank...
I took your advice David. Thank you for being so kind. I guess I should nominate my blog in case anyone wants a laugh, a tear or a rant. Also some knowledge about a certain presidential candidate. http//www.QuerkeyTurkey.blogspot.com
very interesting chats and thoughts.
Oh man....or WOman....
I just can't fake it!
I'm only hoping that someone out there is tripping with me!
Hi ipodwheels, shadeswithinyou, catmoves and samadhi,
Got all those nominations, thanks.
And good luck to all of you.
By the way, ipodwheels, I'm glad the glitch got fixed.
Take care, folks
Hi David,
Interesting blog concept you have. Would appreciate if you took a look at my blog: http://wwwthe52weekexperiment.com
Thanks and best of luck to you!
Hi David, I'm really honored. My blog's mention really inspires me to do better....have been reading your posts and getting addicted..
tried to post my comments, but faced problems with word verification....they didn't appear, instead i got a cross symbol....didn't know what to do...
i thank u again for the honor...and congratulations on your wonderful blog.
Thank you for the feedback on my blog !
Not sure if nominations are still being accepted but I'd like to nominate mine.
Thanks David for the comments you left yesterday. I appreciated the kind words!
Hi David
Thank for for taking the time to post you comment on my blog page. I hope to one day be included on your blog list. Come back and view and post you comment.
THAT BLUE YAK will accept the invitaion of nominating it's own blog for the Aussiesjouno's weekly blog awards. We will be crafting a well thought out acceptance speech in the event we may win. Jesus will not be mentioned, nor will the unimportant behind the scenes people that keep our organization running. I invite all other nominees to visit our blog - if they can muster the courage. http://thatblueyak.blogspot.com
any chance of some feedback for a new blogger... more of a pictures and ideas person than a words person...
any tips gratefully received
Hi. I'm kinda new to this whole thing but I thought I'd post my blog for consideration anyways.
Hi, I'd love it if you just came by and read a few posts. Any suggestions would be most apreciated! I'm at
Thanks in advance!
Hi sb,
Got that nomination, thanks.
Hi Buscador,
I think you do a great job.
Hi A Christensen Johnson,
Sure. Will do. Might take a couple of days - but if you haven;t heard from me by Wednesday night just drop me a line here telling me to get on with it!!
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