Today's joint winners are Kimberly with
The Wonderfulness That Is Emma; Allan Cook with
Just Wider and Mary with
On June 29 2008. The other top contenders were Beachy’s Cape Cod Cupboard with
Even Better Than The Beach; Shabby In The City with
Wish You Were Here; Holly with
Celebrating Thirteen Years; Camikaos with
Panic; Old Tom Wigley with
Cow And Calf; Charles Gramlich with
How Today’s World Does Humble; Jo Beaufoix with
Yes, I Really Did Go Out Like This; Daryl with
Bridezilla Saga Continues; Mother’s Pride with
Green Fingers Take Two; Crazy Cath with
Sky Watch Friday; Sandi McBride with
And Speaking Of Cats and Classy Chaos with
Lost In Translation. Do pay them a visit and leave a comment if you have time.
You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....
Thank you so much David...what a nice way to start my 4th of July...of course we celebrate Guy Fawkes day, too (lol)because our time in England so confused the boys that they still consider themselves C of E...before I start cooking I'm going over to read those I haven't already read...hope your day is full of lucky shots!
Thanks for the honour, David! What great company to be included with...
What a lovely way to start the weekend, David. Thank you so very much! Always nice to have a bit of encouragment when heavy into novel rewrites.
Thank you so much, David! A bright start to my holiday! I see you've also noted a friend of mine, Phyllis (Shabby in the City). =)
Thank you dear Den Mum .. lovely company to be included in . with .. among .. amidst ..
What? WHAT??!! I was just working my way down your posts, and thanked you for your lovely comment on my sky watch on one of the previous posts then I get down to here and find you put me on the list with it for POTD.
Now you have REALLY made my day!! Thank you very very much. I'll get to the others when I can. Right now, it's late and I'm shattered....
My name in lights! Thank you :)
david, have i mentioned lately just how much you rock? thanks so much!!!
Ahh thanks for the mention David. And yay for Kim and Holl too as well as all the other fabulous bloggers.
Running round with hands in air as usual.
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