Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let There Be Light

Maybe We Can String Something Together Here

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

I was in a hurry on a hot, humid morning in Calcutta, India, in October 2006 when I noticed something interesting. This unusual stack, part of what must have been hundreds of light bulbs, had just been taken down from the facade of a residential apartment block.

The lights had been used to illuminate the building during the festive Puja season, in an age-old tradition where lights and assorted decorations adorn homes of all descriptions. The Pujas are a prolonged holiday period during which Indian cities are transformed into havens of shimmering night-time light.

I composed this shot to emphasise the careful manner in which the bulbs had been arranged, but also to draw the eye towards the colour-coded wiring. Obviously the lights were removed in a certain sequence, and were about to be stored in a way in which they could easily be retrieved and replaced the next year.

Visit TNChick's Photo Hunt. Today's theme: "Electric''.


Boozy Tooth said...

Yeah, my Christmas lights look just like that. (Not!)

Thank you for the amazing photos. Some eyes see so much more than others.

Unknown said...

I wish I could see them lit up. I like the understanding of the order behind the riot of light.

The up and down of it.

Cecily R said...

You always see beauty in such interesting things.

I wish I could see those all strung out and lit up. It must have been a sight!

Miranda said...

I love that shot, nice and bright!

Shadow said...

now that's one helluva neat packing job!

Cheffie-Mom said...

Love the colors! enJOY your day!

When Pigs Fly said...

Fantastic picture. I just found you via some tangential internet leaps.

Maggie May said...

Glancing at the pictures quickly I thought it was ripe & unripe tomatoes! Wondered why you were talking about light!
However, I looked very carefully after that & saw the bulbs! Great neat & tidy sequence.
Great pictures.

ArtistUnplugged said...

How colorful, wonderful photos.

Stacey J. Warner said...

shows the difference from America, where we know if throw the lights out we can get them next year for $1 at Target...yikes!

Saz said...

looks like a lot of balls to me mate!

saz x

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Ooo! Clever! At ferst I thort they wer tomatoes.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Imagine all the work it takes to hang the lights and then take them down and to bundle them properly. I bet they're festive when they're hung and all lit up!

Ju said...

I like them because they look like candy to me; therefore childhood memories of happy times.

San said...

Yes, David, the wiring makes this shot rich indeed. Great composition.

Anonymous said...

I have just been watching a documentary called 'My big Fat Indian Wedding' Glorious, you really know how to put on a show. I couldn't begin to imagine how many lights were used for all the fabulous parties, and the couple were soooooo beautiful.

What About The Girl? said...

I thought they were lemons and tomatoes!
They look good enough to eat!

Joanna Jenkins said...

The lights looked like apples on my blog roll-- The lights are very cool. Great shots.

James said...

They look great like that. I can just imagine how wonderful they must look when they are turned on.

julie said...

I hope I can be as meticulous as that when I bring down our tree's lights, :D

Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Wow, so painterly! They look like some kind of fruits!

Unknown said...

I'm with Suzanne, I wish I could see them lit up.

Baba said...

Good morning David, when I first looked at your shot, I thought I was seeing cherry tomatoes!!! A great picture of sets of husband likes to wrap up our Christmas lights a certain way to keep them straight for the next year.
Have a good week-end. Baba

gengen said...

Yes Christmas is coming and those lights will be on...Happy hunting.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

That is so colorful and unusual David I love when I see something new and totally unexpected --come see where those got started on my post

Vicki ~ FL said...

That is a great shot...very clever for "Electric" blog.

Susanne said...

Very unique take and colorful shots!

marta said...

Those are really neat. I thought at first they were some funky type of Christmas light until I read the story. Great take on the theme and thanks for sharing.

bonggamom said...

How very pretty, they look like cherry tomatoes!

My Photo Hunt entry is here.

Heidi said...

Seems that everyone was inspired by your light this week!
Great photo. Love the festive colors. Reminds me of christmas.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.