Saturday, March 31, 2007

Oil's Well That Ends Well

Canvassing Support For Marianne's Canvas

Here's the second attempt at tag-team blogging, a great concept started by my Canadian friend and blogger, Allan Cook. Earlier this week, I posted a light-and-shade photograph of a native Australian bottlebrush at Breaking Through The Paint Barrier and I mentioned what was going to happen next.

I was hoping that expatriate Aussie Marrianne Plumridge, who lives in New England now, would find the time in her busy schedule to paint her version of the photograph and post it on one of her blogs. Marianne has indeed done so and you can see the result at Daub du Jour. Please have a look at the result - and do remember, when you support the tag-team blogging concept by clicking on my link to another site, you are also helping to lift the Internet profile of a relatively new blogger who really needs the exposure. Check out Marianne's impressive body of work and let her know what you think.


Deborah Gamble said...

David, I love the tag team blog. And you are correct her art work is fabulous! One of my favorites is

Leon said...

Hi David I was looking for your blog awards posts and had fun finding them. Can you add a Aussiejourno's Weekly Blog Awards link to the sidebar? A 'Home' button would be handy too.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Deborah,

I'm glad you like the concept. However, I take no credit - it was all Allan Cook's idea. All I did was put the concept into gear. It seems to be working well - and I'd love to see more people use it.

If you would like to tag-team with me or Allan, just let me know what you have in mind.

The more, the merrier.

Glad you liked Marianne's art. I think she has great talent.



david mcmahon said...
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david mcmahon said...

Hi Leon,

Always good to hear from you. As usual, you provide a very interesting tech view.

You're absolutely right on both counts.

Watch this space.
