Friday, March 23, 2007

Warm And Fuzzy

No, Make That TOO Warm and TOO Fuzzy

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

This is the fourth week of autumn, but the weather is still scorching, as if summer still has a magnetic grip on us. This time of year is normally marked by milder weather, but we've had no respite from the heat. It's 35 Celsius today, with a hot northerly blowing. The funny thing is, when I lived in India, a northerly was a cool breeze, but here it's got distinct desert qualities. In case you haven't guessed by now, I'm not a fan (pun unintentional) of hot weather.


Jenera said...

It's funny to hear you talk of autumn when we've just hit spring in my neck of the woods. Sometimes I forget you are a world away practically.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Jenera,

A lot of people say that! But there's this little sunburnt country, tucked away down the bottom end of the globe - where all the seasons are topsy-turvy!



Marianne said...

Dang, now I'M homesick for Aussie heat. It's just warmed up here in Northeast USA, and it's gonna snow again tomorrow night. Sigh.


david mcmahon said...

Hi Marianne,

Snow? Yep, I'll swap spots with you.

Keep smiling.
