Monday, April 21, 2008

Ice Spy

Good Things Always Come In Freeze

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Beautiful warm afternoon. Back yard bathed in mellow sunshine. Pour some ice into a glass. Hang on a second, mate. Grab the camera. How about a macro shot or two? Yep, for sure.

Get the 300mm Sigma lens off the camera. Put the new macro lens on, the SMC Pentax-DA 1:2.8mm Macro Limited. Fire off three or four random frames. Like I said, random frames.

Much later, check the shots on the computer screen. Aaaaaaargh, can I kick myself. Why? Let me explain. Like I said, they were random shots to show the ice glinting in the sunlight like crystal shards.

Look closer at the ice block on the left. Look at the edge of the ice block. See the miniature crystal fence forming along the edge? No, you can't really see it here, because these are scaled-down, low-resolution versions of the original shot. So let me give you a closer look ....

Now you can see why I wanted to kick myself. Even though the "crystal fence" on the top edge of the ice block was too small to spot with the naked eye, I should have taken some close-in shots like I normally do. The rare sight was more priceless than a Swarovski beard on a crystal figure of Santa Claus.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to spend the next 24 hours wearing a hand-printed sign that says "Kick Me".

Which is a bit like Roberta Flack's big hit, "Kicking me softly with your song, kicking me softly ....."

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)


Charles Gramlich said...

You'll see it again. Just drink more

Katney said...

The first shot was nice, but the close-up is quite something. As Charles says, have another drink.

I envy the weather, you seem to be having a warm pleasant fall. We are having a cold cold cold spring. Snow yesterday in the Seattle area. Hey! It's April! Whasamatta? We had no snow but fierce icy wind blew ALL day Friday.

As always, my Odd Shot will appear at midnight my time, but I generally stop by to check up on you early birds.

Hilary said...

Next time it will be crystal clear. ;)

Maggie May said...

Keep drinking till ya get it right!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

No, don't kik yorself they ar very good I like the crystally bit!

Also, I wanrid to let yu kno that the Sunflower Race has startid over heer! COme see our video! Wa-hey!


none said...

looks like the frost that forms on a well mixed martini.

I guess I'll have to make one and take a picture :)

Lee said...

If you'll chip me a bathtub full of that gorgeous ice I'll come dive into it. It isn't summer here but my body is trying to act like it.

Prayers for health please!


G said...

I love it... very cool in more ways than one.

John said...

Very nice macro, David. I haven't tried to shoot ice yet but may give it a go soon. I did, however put up a nice macro shot on my blog today, if you're interested inseeing.

Cheers to ya, mate!

- whodatdare

Rhea said...

Amazing close-up! Makes me thirtsy.

Kostas said...

Very good macro photographs! Us you give beautiful and intelligent ideas for photographing!
Your post today is.... COOL!

Unknown said...

I’ve seen some rather interesting images in ice cubes.

San said...

Take the KICK ME sign off, David. It's really not that becoming anyway.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Stop kicking. It's lovely. I see the fence okay?

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

You have some of the best titles for your entries. My brain just does not work that way. Great photos your mouse tse tung from the other day too...most clever.

Rose said...

So even professional photographers have their "kick me" days? Since I spend most days saying "D'oh!" to shots I missed - 80% focus issues with my Casio P&S, it's kind of a relief to know.

Hmm, that didn't make YOU feel better...

Thank you for your comment the other day, I may need to take you up on your offer for camera tips in the future. I would love to get a DSLR someday, I looked at them and was having a hard time deciding between Canon and Nikon. But in the end the non-existent budget of a SAHM came into play. Maybe later this summer

I love taking macro shots infact I think I like photographing objects more then people.

Mega said...

Very cool. And I agree, have another drink!

Lavinia said...

David, this post proves you are a card-carrying member of this elite group:

"To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
-William Blake said...

Your camera's capabilities reminded of yesterday's embarrassment - A friend told me he was going to the Smokies to shoot so wildflowers, so I told him he should go over to my Flickr site and look at some I recently took. He said he would.

Later he sent me an email with some of the shots he took. He captured the tiny droplets of dew on the very tips of little stamens. I was sorry I sent him to see my sub-par shots!

I need an SLR for what I want to, and could do, but my pocket camera fits so nicely in my pocket when I hike. I cannot get past the convenience of it!

Sandi McBride said...

And just how much did you have to drink in the first place? You know, sometimes an ice cube is simply an ice cube.

Sharon said...

"cool" closeup! You always have something unique!

Mine is up.

Jamie Dawn said...

I'd be more than happy to provide you with the kickin'.
Hold on a moment, and let me get on my heavy boots.


I think the photos are cool... very cool.
Pass the lemonade, please.

Anonymous said...

Obviously this one left you feeling a bit frosted.

Vi said...

Her I think it looks pretty cool. Like the icecubes have been dipped in sugar!

Shrinky said...

you'll just have to pour some more ice out and treat yourself to another drink..

ArneA said...

I cannot se why we should kick you at all.

The photo and your text made it all very exciting.
Just waiting for some Bourbon color to the left.
Experience more and present to us your great shots odd or not

Kyanite said...

It's probably been said by someone else but that's a 'cool' shot!

Melissa said...

I love both of these photos David, especially the second one.

Cath said...

Yes but they are still great shots! Really clear. And if you can do that "randomly", well, think of the potential. Rare as it may be, with you there WILL be another time, I'm sure.

And you can see the detail. Really good. Impressed.

Unknown said...

Very nice macro shot David!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Now that is a neat shot. Oh to have a good camera

Diane said...

Your play on words just floors me every time. Your ice cubes pictures are so inspiring to me. I really like these pictures, and I know EXACTLY what a Swarovski Crystal looks like-(being a jewelry maker, lover of jewelry and all).

Dragonstar said...

Beautiful crystals anyway. Don't be too hard on yourself!

becky aka theRAV said...

I cracked up at the end with the son title! Thanks for the giggle. I needed it.

becky aka theRAV said...

Ps. Loved the title of your post too

i beati said...

i forgot to get ice darn

Anonymous said...

Cool! Hoarfrost on ice cube!! I love it. And I saw all of your Coke photos: you have a new career: food photographer!