Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Silver Ripples

No Smoke On The Water, Just Late-Evening Light

Yarra River, Melbourne, late on Sunday evening.

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON


Jules~ said...

Oh that is so lovely. I actually imagined a slight breeze on my face when I looked at this photo.
Thank you.

lime said...

such a serene mood

Jennifer S said...

Beautiful. Just what I needed today.

Rebecca said...

Ooh, I like that. Especially with the branch hanging over in the middle! :-)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

again one of my favorite things in nature is Sunshine on rippling water

Kat said...

That is gorgeous. Beautiful!

maryt/theteach said...

David, I assume you chose to put the bridge and river in background and blur it. Did you do that as you shot it or did you photo hop it? Anyway, great effect! :)

Cath said...

Now I know what the Yarra is, this means something! lol

I love photos like that. I like the way they are framed by the tree(s) and the movement of the water. Lovely shot.

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful!

SandyCarlson said...

Looks like a great place to be!

Maggie May said...

Like the way you framed it with branches.

Cynthia said...

Lovely shot!

virtual nexus said...

Beautiful silky grey water. Very nice capture!

Lia Hollander said...

Very calming!

imac said...

David, sure wish I was there, sitting on a benck and relaxing, with a nice glass of red wine.haha.

Berit T said...

I love that!!

Unknown said...

"Serenity" comes to mind.

Crazy Cath said you were asking a question about the most important thing in life but I don't see it. I agree with her though. To value and cherish our friends and loved ones, to take good care of our relationships with them.

Kostas said...

Hi David
the photograph is splendid, the first plan characterizes also the movement in the picture, marvellous nuances, and prospect!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Beautiful shot, I like how you framed it in naturally with the branches.

Mom Knows Everything said...

That is such a pretty peaceful picture!

tammi said...

That's beautiful. So peaceful.

Lee said...

Exquisite, David! I want to be there.


Unknown said...

So beautiful and peaceful.

Sam Fox said...

Very serene shot, beautifully captured, David.

Sandee said...

You certainly take some of the nicest photographs David and this one is no exception. Have a great WW. :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The river looks inviting for a quiet read under the tree in the evening :)
Have a good week David!

Lori said...

What a great that traffic on the bridge or spectators? Happy WW.

Hilary said...

Wow.. that's just beautiful!

Colleen said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, David what a beautiful shot!

Anonymous said...


Juliana RW said...

beautiful nature...

Mine in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

it is peace and lovely....

Will you visit my WW : My son on costume? Thanks.

david mcmahon said...

In answer to your questions:

Hi Lori,

It was just around the time a football match ended, so there is traffic on the bridge - and pedestrians!!

Hi The Teach,

In answer to your question - I ``saw'' the picture in my mind and knew exactly how I wanted to frame it as I walked down the river bank.

I shot it with a Pentax K100D and at the time I had my 300mm lens on the camera. The focal length of that shot would have been only about 150mm-200mm, from memory.

I only shot one frame. And yes, I used the manual focus option as I always do. So the frame was deliberately composed with the branches in sharp focus and the river in soft focus.

In answer to the last part of your question, I never enhance, crop or PhotoShop my images. However, I have no philosophical problems with photographers (amateur or professional) who do.

Technology is there to be used in whatever manner the individual sees fit.

Utah Mommy said...

Very beautiful capture! i love the very nature place, a place where we can meditate. Happy WW!
He's thinking ahead
Missing this house

Anonymous said...

Love the silhouette!

Charles Gramlich said...

Weird that you'd mention "Smoke on the Water." That song just got ranked as the best guitar riff of all time by some magazine or other. I tend to agree. Certainly the most recognizable.

Unknown said...

This is an amazing shot David!

San said...

Oh, I could sit there and gaze at those silver ripples. Thank you for providing the next best thing. Actually, in some ways, an even better thing.

aims said...

Almost the bridge of sighs!

At least it did that for me...

Thank you David!

Misty DawnS said...

David, I love the photo as always. It looks like such a peaceful and relaxing spot.

I had a laugh today, and it involved you. Corey from Living and Living (who is an awesome photographer I might add) commented on my WW and said "...David will be proud." I instantly started laughing, and then wondering how the heck she reads my mind and knows that your opinions mean so much to me hehehe Anyway, in case your ears were burning, I thought I'd let you know why.

Anonymous said...

Every time I look at your photos, I think of how you don't process/change your photos. And I find that every time I take a photo now, I think of you and it is making me better.

This photo is beautiful and despite the traffic and bridge, it is peaceful and calming.