Monday, April 28, 2008

This Contest Rocks

Maybe It Was Picasso's Brew Period

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Let's see how observant you are. Can you guess what I've photographed here? A pile of gravel for roadworks? Crushed rocks, perhaps? A bowl of cereal? Keep looking .... and do leave me a comment saying what you think this is.

Okay, here's your answer. It's a macro shot of a spoonful of coffee, Nescafe Blend 43. I shot this outdoors, using the superb SMC Pentax-DA 1:2.8mm macro lens.

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)


Katney said...

You are having entirely too much fun with that macro lens. Is that a new one you are using?

Unknown said...

I had no idea what this was. It kind of looks like Cocoa Krispies cereal. Cool shot though David!

Medic61 said...

I was definitely thinking Chocolate Rice Krispies. Or Cocoa Krispies, one of the two. This is a really neat picture!

Jeff B said...

I've done a few of these "What is it?" photos before and it's always fun to see what the responses are. A suggestion if you don't mind. Try leaving the Pic up for a day before revealing the answer, makes for some fun gussesing.

Awesome detail in that shot.

Evil Transport Lady said...

Very cool indeed. I was going to guess a sponge of the natural variety. Good pics!

imac said...

Ah, I was going to say Supper's ready

My Odd shot is 2x2 come and

Rhea said...

I might have had a hard time guessing what that photo was if you hadn't posted the answer. That's quite a close up. Looks like chewed up dog food!

BTW, another unique camera critters photo this week. :o)

Cath said...

I thought it was cake. :(
If I said coffee cake would I get ½ a point? ;0)
Very clever. Brilliant macro shots. I go green - should take a self photo and join project green! lol

Anonymous said...

I was going to guess that it was canned dog food, but you took the fun out of the game by telling us!

Unknown said...

Great macro shots and wonderful DOF. Well done David!

Sandi McBride said...

Oh joy, coffee to go with strawberry shortcake!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

My first thought was a chocolate rice krispie square.

I see I'm not alone in that. Maybe we're all feeling a bit snacky.

Sharon said...

Love the macro! You said Brew at the beginning so I knew it had to be coffee, but it didn't look like it. Of coures I wasn't picturing instant.

Keep having fun with that lense, we get to see so many cool pictures!

G said...

I was going to say something chocolately but that was just wishful thinking... ;)

Well done, Ace Boy Photographer!

Hilary said...

It said "chocolate" to me too. Very cool shots.

Jamie Dawn said...

I thought it was coffee, but only because you said "brew period."

Very neat shot!!

Unknown said...

Amazing...I was thinking Bacon sprinkles!

Colleen said...

Nescafe? Nescafe? What kind of coffee are you Austrialian's thinking? Maybe I should send you and your wife some of the good stuff from the Land of Coffee Snobs :)

Carolyn said...

My mom has been drinking that stuff since before I was born. I knew what it was right away. Yippee for me! Oh, and "Picasso's Brew Period" tipped me off too. Great pun.

Shrinky said...

Have to confess, you got me there. Time to confiscate this lens of yours, your not having it back unless you promise to play nicely.

dot said...

I had a bowl of milk ready cause I thought it was surely cocoa krispies!

Mima said...

Brilliant macro David, you really got me thinking there - should have read the title in a different way - was too busy thinking about Picasso!

Jules~ said...

Wow that sure is a great camera! I was thinking the shot was of a cocoa rice crispy treat. Guess that is what happens with food on the brain.

San said...

I'd thought Coco Puffs or Puppy Chow, but I WAS wondering about Picasso's Brew Period, what that had to do with either. So it's Nescafe and it never looked so artful.

Lavinia said...

These photos strike me as "grounds" for some sort of macro photography, I'm not full of 'beans', I'm being perfectly serious...I wonder how long the idea to photograph coffee was percolating in your mind....:)

Tiffany Norris said...

So that's what I've been drinking all these years!

Anonymous said...
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