Monday, April 07, 2008

Lager Than Life

Thirst Among Equals

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Doesn't this look like some ingenious bloke has put a set of wheels on a crate of beer? Mate, if ever they did that, it would be a major marketing bonanza in this sunburnt country, where blokes are thirsty all the time.

Can you figure out what this photograph really shows? While you're racking your brain, I'll just reveal that I only had time to swing my camera up and fire off a single frame before the sight disappeared. Does that give you a clue?

Okay, here's your answer. It's a Tiger beer ad, on the side of a Singapore bus. I shot this during my 36-hour stopover in Singapore three months ago. I had just photographed something else when I saw the bus, a fraction of a second too late.

But I had the 18-125mm Sigma lens on the camera, which was perfect for what I wanted to do. So I lined up the shot, composed a really tight frame and just had enough time to hit the trigger once. The focal length of this shot was 78 mm and the frame wasn't 100 per cent accurate, but as you never, I never alter my shots in any way, so here it is - exactly as I saw it.

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)

26 comments: said...

That caused me to flash back to the Airman's Club at Ton Son Nhut Airbase, Saigon, winter, 1966!

Hilary said...

Great shot, David. Good for what ales ya. ;)

Lee said...

That looks so refreshing! I'm ready for a dip! Where's the pool party?


Anonymous said...

In Vegas I was constantly surrounded by wildly painted city buses, so it never occurred to me that this might be anything else. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own knowledge and experiences that I am suddenly surprised to realize every city/county/country/continent isn't the same. For me that's one of the draws of blogging -- it keeps me in touch with other people's realities, even the seemingly inconsequential ones.

Leslie: said...

I said to myself, "It's on the side of a car." I thought "car" because so many people around here these days carry ads on their cars to earn money. Excellent shot! :D

Jennifer S said...

Great shot, and now I'm thirsty.

Merisi said...

" ... the frame wasn't 100 per cent accurate ... " - I tried to imagine how you could have framed this shot better, to no avail. ;-)

Merisi said...

Here in Vienna whole streetcars are looking like Ikea wardrobes lately, albeit no beer. :-(

Unknown said...

Good catch David! This is a funny picture. Well done for the theme odd shots.

Cath said...

It's still a good shot, but for once I figured what it was. I think with experience (from your zebra on the loose!) I am learning....

Slowly. :0)

Sandi McBride said...

Great shot...would look great framed and hanging in my games room!

Lana Gramlich said...

Lovely colors!

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is so funny,It would be good to have a refreshing drink about now.

Shrinky said...

Hah! That brings back memories! It must be almost twenty years since I was in Singapore (happy days) - I don't drink beer, but I was with someone who did.. smile.

Kyanite said...

Neat shot!

Mima said...

What a great shot, love the framing, and it really doesn't look as if it was a one shot quick capture.

Cynthia said...

It's a really cool shot David! I hate to 'fess up here, I've never heard of Tiger Beer:)

mrsnesbitt said...

It's fantastic when we capture a spontaneous moment!
Great picture David.

Dragonstar said...

Excellent spontaneous shot David! You're always telling us never to move without a camera, and this proves it!

Diane said...

A real eye-catching shot, David!

Kim said...

Great shot with so little time :)

Colleen said...

Cool! I love all things Singapore!;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at the graphics that are being used on trucks and buses today!

Paulie said...

Good catch! Our bus system has ads on the buses also -- I should try getting some of them. Actually, I did get the one of the bus with the flag on it. . .

Kat said...

I thought that maybe the light was painted on the van as well, but after reading your post I think maybe that was your flash. ???

Katney said...

Buses in my small town ar e nonexistent. But buses in the city where I work can be startling to encounter.