Pictures copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Okay, so I've just walked through the door after the Air Show at Avalon, on the outskirts of Melbourne. These two shots are of the F/A-18 Hornet, and I just tried taking them from an unusual angle, rather than side-on. In the first frame, I've focused on the tip of the nose cone, with the open canopy in soft focus. And in the second frame, I've reversed it, with the canopy in sharp focus and the nose in soft focus. Does it work for you?
Yes, it does! I love your work - you have such a fresh eye, it's inspiring.
Hi Shrink wrapped scream,
Thank you for that comment. I do like looking outside the square. I've also just realised it's the first time I've ever done any aviation photography - and you're the first person to tell me it's not too shabby!
Let me know how you go with putting photographs on your site. Feedback is always welcome, and if you have any technical dramas, buzz me and I'll get back to you.
Good luck
Hi David,
Well, this brings back memories! I was at RAAF Williamtown when the first two Hornets were brought home. They ended up completely dissolving our squadron - No. 2 Operational Conversion Unit (2OCU)- at the end of 1984, and reconstituted it with whole new personnel to do the new aircraft conversions from F-111s to F/A-18 Hornets. God, that was a year! I was the Technical Publications Clerk for the squadron, and it was a bugger rounding up all of the publications for the group then doing the paperwork. Sigh. :-D
Hi Marianne,
Thanks for that comment. Didn't know you had a RAAF connection - that's a great story.
You sound like you had it all under control, though!
Stay tuned for some more air show pictures. How's the snow going in your neck of the woods?
Hi David,
I joined the RAAF in 1982 at the tender age of 17. :-D Squashed 10 years of growing up into 2. The memories from my six years of service have faded to only pleasant ones, now, I'm happy to say. I've left some of the youthful angst behind. :-D
Maybe I'll do a post on my RAAF career on my Muse du Jour site. It's getting to be the anniversary of my joining up next month. 25 years?. Good grief, where does the time go?
Got some good photos from our last trip to Australia when we drove up to Williamtown and visited the RAAF museum there. :-)
Thanks for your comments on my blogs. I'm gonna answer them later when we get the days running around done.
Hi Marianne,
Look forward to some of your RAAF posts - and your pictures.
Retrospective posts work just as well as current ones, I reckon.
Take care
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