Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tickled Pink

Can Someone Please Identify This Shrub?

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Sometimes there is a great picture in the most mundane sight. I shot this about 24 hours ago, when this low shrub caught my attention. I composed the frame really carefully, ignoring the foreground and keeping the mid-section in sharp focus. As you can see, the Pentax K100D does that very well. It was about midday and the light was very patchy because of the cloud conditions, so I took one shot with the flash. Didn't like the results, so I turned it to ``flash-off'' mode and, hey presto, the patchy light actually worked to my advantage.
Can anyone identify the shrub for me? I've got no idea what it is. It's fairly common ground cover here in Melbourne gardens. It grows to slightly less than a metre and in strong light, the leaves actually look more red than they do in this shot. Any green-thumb gardeners out there? If so, please leave a comment if you can tell me the name.

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