Friday, April 18, 2008

Buzz Word

The Last Thing We Want Is A Sting Operation

A Greenville County woman is working with a beekeeper to rid her home of 60,000 bees living in the walls of her house for a month. She is allergic to bees and has been sleeping with anti-allergy medication near her bed to give herself an emergency shot if stung. The beekeeper said it will take a few weeks to remove the bees, which he hopes to move to his home, where he keeps around three million of the insects in 50 hives.

FOOTNOTE: Thanks, honey.


Corey~living and loving said...

I saw this in the news. HOw freaky.

have a great day David. :)

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

I think I would move to a hotel until they were gone!

Sandi McBride said...

Uh huh...this is about an hour away from me and we were wondering last year where all our bees went. Now we know. And we want them back!

Kat said...

Um. I would be OUT OF THERE!!! The noise must be deafening. I can't imagine!

Akelamalu said...

I bet she thought she was the Queen Bee! :)

Maggie May said...

That house was the Bees Knees!
Makes a change from rodents, I would say!

Lavinia said...

My goodness, talk about a bee in your bonnet!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry,
Bee Happy...

And everyone knows a happy bee won't sting.

Rose said...

Wow! That's a lot of bees. We had a hive in our wall last Spring, in Harrison's room! We couldn't hear them, we saw them going in and out of the eaves in the roof when we were in our back yard.

Harrison has a door in his room that we couldn't open until the bees were gone and it gets HOT in our 100 year old house in the summer!