Saturday, August 23, 2008

On And Off Love Affair

The Seven-Year Switch

A Welsh bachelor has finally seen the light and had his home wired up for electricity. Hubert Hilling, 60, is thrilled: "It's fantastic. I keep switching the lights on and off," he said. "They all come on at once instead of having to be lit with a match." But he still makes a daily five-minute walk to a well to fill two buckets.

FOOTNOTE: Light entertainment.


Colin Campbell said...

I wonder if more of us will be heading in the other direction as we try to be more green and energy conscious. I am happy to hang on to those things for as long as I can. When we lived in the Philippines, we had to walk for water and the electricity was very problematic.

Unknown said...

A bachelor you say?? Did not see that one coming :>)

BRUNO said...

Sure beats using a pedal-powered generator to power a fan to keep yourself cool---kinda self-defeating the purpose, y'know...!