Thursday, March 08, 2007

C3PO To Get An Arty Deed Too

Robot Charter Is A Good Korea Move

Aye, Robot: My wish is your command, Master!

If your surname is Jetson and you have a home-duties robot called Rosie, my only advice is: treat her well. It looks like South Korea is about to consider what may be the first government-backed ethical code for robots. The Korean ministry of commerce, industry and energy hopes to publish guidelines for human-robot relations by the end of the year. According to, the ``Robot Ethics Charter'' is likely to be modelled on the instructions devised by the American writer Isaac Asimov in his series, `I, Robot'. The website explains, ``This was a sort of Hippocratic oath for androids: they were not allowed to harm humans, or allow them to come to harm through inaction; they had to obey orders; and they had to protect themselves if that did not compromise the first two instructions.''

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