Any idea what I've photographed here? While you're racking that nimble brain of yours, I'll get on with the post .... and I'll end with the answer.
Just when we'd given up on ever getting any rain here in Melbourne, the heavens opened up last Tuesday and we've had a shower or two every day since then. The timing could not have been better for many reasons, but this was a perfect opportunity to try out the macro on the new Pentax Optio S10 that I've been testing.
Like I said in an earlier post, it's an ultra-compact 10-megapixel camera with a 2.5 inch LCD screen. It's not much bigger than a credit card and is slimmer than a standard (empty) wallet. I often get asked by women bloggers if I could recommend a camera that would fit easily into a handbag. Men, on the other hand, ask about a camera that can slot into a pocket. Look no further than this little beauty. It retails for just under $300 here in Australia, which means it would be about $280 in the United States and about 150 quid in the United Kingdom.
Crazy Cath also asked me what the "SLR" stands for in camera-speak - it's an acronym for single lens reflex. She is on the lookout for a new camera in the $300 price range, so I would not hesitate to recommend the Pentax Optio S10. It has an on-screen editing function as well and is a very versatile piece of equipment. Also, in answer to Crazy Cath's second question about SLRs, yes, there are several digital SLR models around. And while the prices have dropped a fair bit, it's rare to find a decent brand SLR under $850-$900 - that's Australian dollars.
These pictures were all shot with the Pentax S10. I took each of these frames on "text mode" and the clarity of the individual raindrops gives you an idea of just how good this camera is. Looking for great value for money? This could be the camera for you - but take my perennial advice and always test a camera before you buy it, to make sure it's right for you.
Any questions, just let me know ....

ANSWER: The first two shots are of raindrops on an umbrella.
David, you stumped me with your lovely, enigmatic shot.
you fooled me on that umbrella angle hahaah
That's a nice, colourful umbrella. You're welcome to my rain.. at least while my roof continues to leak!
Stumped me too! I thought it was a canoe or surfboard!
The clarity is amazing. I think the SLRs are way out of my league, especially for the amount I would actually use it. I don't do it for a job and it doesn't earn me anything so I could not justify it! That would be no holiday for me to play. :(
The camera you are using sounds brilliant and I am going to go shopping...
Once again, great shots, great advice. I really appreciate it. Thanks. (Don't know of any shop that will let me "try it out" but I will definitely get a money-back agreement if I don't like it - which is doubtful.)
Good post - the Canon Ixus I'm using packs a punch for a compact digital.
it sure is prettier than raindrops falling on your head ..
ahhhhh, knowing you all have been in a wicked drought i am humming ladysmith black mambazo's 'rain,rain, beautiful rain.'
That rain must have felt and sounded like a gift from the gods. I love your umbrella shot. Did you remember how to work it?
David - re the crash that Eric referred to - he is in Canada, so I don't know any more details of that incident.
I love these.
I did recognize the umbrella. I think you had a post with one some time ago--sans raindrops.
Just this morning on the radio I heard a report on the water content of the snowpack here this year. Depending on location, it is 103-126% of "normal". Knowing what summer is like when it is below normal, that is refreshing news in this agricultural area. The meltwater from that snowpack is collected in reservoirs and used for irrigation throughout the summer.
My hubby got me a compact camera for Christmas. It is a Casio Exilim (EX-Z75) has 7.2 megapixels, 2.6 inch LCD and 3x optical zoom. It fits handily in my hip pocket and does a great job for everything I want it to do. What I miss with it from my larger Kodak Easy Share is the 10x optical zoom and the traditional viewfinder option.
With both cameras I usually keep it on the automatic setting. The special setting I use most often is the backlight. There are so many setting options on both cameras. Which of those most commonly present do you find most useful? and why did you chose "text" for the raindrops?
Hi David! Thank you for looking in at my blog. Good to see you. I have a Canon Ixus 70 too. Pretty good little camera imho. Pleased you liked the photo. I almost got the horizon straight!! What is it about digital cameras and horizons?
Nah, that's ain't a rain---that's just a little dew! You want some REAL-RAIN pictures, bring that Pentax "up-here", to the Missouri Bootheel!
Oh, and take your time---it appears all that water isn't going anywhere, for a bit...!
oooo look how the rain drops bead up....and magnify the fabric. love it.
looks like a really nice little camera.
oh and hooray for rain. I'll mail you more if you need it. wink wink...
I never would have guessed umbrella. Wow. The texture looks almost rubbery.
Thanks for the camera advice. I have an okay camera for your everyday pics of the kids, but it really does nothing for the photographer wanna be in me.
Yep, I guessed right David.
Great post as well.
It is raining here today too...I'm just glad it isn't snow. I can finally see some patches of grass!
I thought the first two pictures were a hot air balloon. Nice shot!
the first one made me think of some kind of cold bottle of bicoloured ale.
We were in an extreme drought up until last month, so I know how you feel...now we're out of drought condition...just barely...and it's raining again. I dare not utter one complaint in case God hears me and thinks I'm complaining. I am not complaining, believe you me. I am thrilled for you and your rain, being aware of how it feels! I was thinking rain on odd looking banana...now you know I'm daft!
In praise of the rain,
I'll have to check that one out David. I'd love to take better photos...like I used to.
The umbrella material looked like hard plastic to me. (Do I need glasses?) Mostly, I just wanted to run my fingers through the drops of rain.
I might need that camera.
I guessed umbrella! Good results from the Pentax camera.
Woohoo...I was right!!! Raindrops on an umbrella! I'm so proud of myself. LOL
I've had my camera for almost 3 years now and sadly, it is soooo outdated!! It was at the time that we purchased it, the top of the line for digital point and shoot.
I have been wanting an SLR for some time now, but the prices are a little much. I will have to look into this camera!
Thanks for the tip!
I love the photo. I would love to have a camera that would capture rain drops or the petals on a white flower, but I can't afford a months rent for one.
The clarity of the water droplets is beautiful.
Most people on my blog know this already, but our family spends half a year in Dubai. The sky is so dusty---I miss the rain and the blue blue skies. We're going back to the States mid June.
You got me totally with the umbrella - great shots.
Raindrops keep fallin on my head but that doesnt mean my eyes will soon be turnin red..cryins not for me..so I'm never gunna stop the rain by complainin..because I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..nothings worryin meeeeeeeeeeeeee!..Tada!
And here I was thinking it was some kind of weird squash....
David, you can have all of our Ohio rain.....for free! Take it please.
Super shots of your Stripey Umbrella, Matey! Loved the grass covererd in jewel drops of rain too... heard Vic had a bit of a break in the drought - yay. Really nice shots as ever. Sorry has taken me a while to pop over for a look - a combination of Guests and the Outlaws here....
Lovely photo and very well taken. I love your blog with all the advices on how to capture the subject. Thanks for sharing. :)
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