Monday, August 04, 2008

Cross Your Tease And Dot Your Eyes

Or Maybe Just Eye The Dots Instead

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

You're wondering what this is, right? Well, that's the whole point of the exercise. I want you to try and guess what I've photographed.

While you're racking your brains, I'll just give you the background story. Just before Christmas 2006, we were in Adelaide for a family wedding. I caught sight of this scene at a shopping complex and because I always have my camera with me, I was able to shoot the sight immediately.

If you haven't quite figured out what I've photographed, here's the answer. I was standing in front of one of those people transporters, like the ones you see in airports. It was a bit bigger than a golf buggy and because it was a hot summer's day, I was able to take this shot.

You see, the object in the frame above is simply the heavy-duty zip that encloses two sides of the thick transparent plastic that serves as a weather shield in rain. As I said, it was a really hot day, so the plastic was rolled up and made a fascinating pattern.

It was just waiting for someone with a camera to walk past.

Reminds me of that Pixar movie. You know the one. It's called "A Buggy's Life".

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)


Akelamalu said...

I would never have guessed what that was David. What a great shot!

Pappy said...

I knew it was a close up of a zipper. I was just wondering whose it was. Pappy

Jenn: said...

It plays that trick with my eyes that makes it look like it is moving in a circular pattern. Makes me a lil dizzy. Interesting shot.

Bear Naked said...

I thought it might be zipper tape from a zipper factory.
Great shot.

Bear((( )))

dot said...

You always fool me! I thought it was a rolled up rug.

Lee said...

Those roll down plastic weather screens are wonderful! I've seen them at Joe's Crabshack and had the pleasure of sitting outside behind one while it rained and they turned on the hanging heaters to keep us warm.

Knew right away it was a zipper. Seen a few of those close up when learning how to sew.


Louise said...

Not just anyone would take that picture. There are not many people (I'm included in the masses here) that would see that as picture-worthy, or see it at all for that matter. But you did, and we thank you for drawing our attention to things we might normally miss. (And hopefully make us pay more attention in the future.)

Woman in a Window said... husband was a tarp man in another life so I got this one. Don't ask...

Maddy said...

Excellent! [don't forget to come and pick up your award!]

polona said...

ha, my first thought was, "way cool," followed immediately by, "zip?!"

PRH said...

'Jack the Zipper"

Trixie said...

And here I was, thinking it was a belt... for a really really large person!

Kat said...

I knew what it was right away. No lie. Wow. I'm amazing. ;)

Great shot! :)

holly said...

well *i* realized that just after i realized it *couldn't* possibly be julia roberts' first born child. and after i realized it *couldn't* possibly be the shift key on a macbook. i mean those things look ENTIRELY different. so then, in the end i thought it must be (expands 'show original post', cheating...) the thingie on a people transporter. yes. that is DEFINITELY what that is...

Anonymous said...

David, I would never have guessed what that was. Great shot !!


Kim said...

I just love this photo. The zipper rolled up makes a very interesting pattern. Good Eye!

Texas Travelers said...

My eyes are crossed from looking at dots. What an eye tease.
Well done.

I dropped by to see if you had a bridge today.

Our Bridge is Here.
Come visit the crossing,
Troy and Martha

alicesg said...

Wow fantastic close up shot. I would not know the answer. I thought it was a belt or a dog leash.

EatPlayLove said...

aah the deconstructed eye. I love snippets! Wonderful shot.

Jennifer S said...

I was thinking some kind of tent, but I never would have gotten to the right answer.

A Buggy's Life...ha!

Berto and Kwala said...

looked like an octopus to me! hahaha...

mine's up too.

Jane Hards Photography said...

You really are quite mad, and that's from a mad woman herself. Odd way of looking at a normal imgae. You are wierd in a nice way of course.

Diane said...

It is so "perfectly" rolled up David. I would not have had the slightest idea of what it was! I am impressed! (with your shot~of course~but with the "roll job" as well).

becky aka theRAV said...

This is a neat photo design. Never would have guessed what it was if you had not told us. Well, I have been contemplating your blank page post ever since reading it. Yesterday I created a new idea for a blank page and to keep the dark clouds at bay. Hope you'll drop by.