Monday, September 08, 2008

Handle Bard

Not Your Average Doorknob, Is It?

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

These shots were taken in Chicken, Alaska, a few days ago, as we traversed the Top Of The World Highway. The early afternoon light provided an interesting shadow against the wooden door of one of the washrooms.

Yup, that and the fact that the door handle isn't exactly one you could buy in a store.

And the handles were similar to those on the two facilities below - where the shadows they cast on the wood are strangely redolent of elk or caribou too. Just for the record, the sign on the ladies' toilet says "Hens" and the one on the right says "Roosters".

Which is kind of appropriate when you do a Chicken run.

(The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.)

15 comments: said...

Nice finds and nice shots!

Unknown said...

Hey there. Just stumbled on your blog from, oh goodness knows where, but I love those shots! Really indicative on the country. I now want one on my toilet door, although it might look slightly out of place in middle England!

Lee said...

Well that's historical practicality. When the Institute of Texan Cultures gives a show at a school about pioneer times, they often point out that the entire buffalo was put to use. There was no waste. Even the hooves and bones were used. Amazing what we've forgotten in our times of artificial materials and simulations.

Nice images. I wonder how often those antlers split when they drive the nail through them to fasten it to the door.


Hilary said...

They're just toting their own horns...

Katney said...

Ah, odd and practical!

Anonymous said...

lol...not unlike a chicken wish bone...l bet you were delighted when you spied them!!

you will have a ton of blogging treasures in them thar cameras of yours!!

Hilary said...

How do you end up in a place like Chicken, Alaska? Sounds like a lot of fun... Traveling the world, photographing odd things like antler handles on outhouses, sharing it with all of us. I am really glad to be reading your blog. :)

Cath said...

I love how they cast those shadows, but only you could find toilets with the doors labelled "hens" and "roosters". Only you.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh now you are just making things up! Chicken Alaska!Only yo would find that. I'm not sure I could handle those handle with a naked hand though. Odd town, odd shot.

Maggie May said...

What better way to spend a penny. A loo with its own horn! Under the heading of a hen or a rooster! I wonder how you stumbled on these unusual residences?

Diane said...

Hey David, I like these handles. If you ever visit an Outdoor World (store) they have handles like these. Great shot...and even more odd~Chicken, Alaska. Did not know it even existed. LOL.

Thérèse said...

How funny! I immediately thought about Alaska only because of the elections otherwise...

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great find, at least they are being put to use

Anonymous said...

The name of the town is as amusing as the outhouses. I like the shadows from the handles. Great odd shot!

i beati said...
